Texas Employment Law
The area of law known as employment law covers all of the rights, obligations, and responsibilities within the at-will employer-employee relationship, from wages and hours to discrimination and wrongful termination. El Paso employment lawyer Robert Riojas helps employees to file lawsuits against employers or negotiate settlements for their grievances. Employees have certain rights and protections when it comes to their employment. These include the right to not be discriminated against by their employer or other employees, the right to be paid in accordance with all current federal and state employment laws, and the right to take necessary leave for family and medical issues.
- Discrimination: Employees and even prospective employees who are interviewing for a job may not be discriminated against for certain protected characteristics, including gender, race, religion, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and nationality.
- Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is considered a form of discrimination and occurs whenever inappropriate sexual behavior prevents an employee from doing his or her job comfortably. Be sure to report sexual harassment, in writing, to your employer right away to make sure that your complaints are documented and taken seriously.
- Wages and Hours: Your employer is legally required to pay you at least minimum wage, pay you overtime when your hours exceed 40 per week, and adhere to all other wage and hour laws. If you feel you haven’t been paid the money you’ve earned, it’s time to call an employment attorney in El Paso.
- Wrongful Termination: Employers may not fire you out of retaliation for a legal complaint or for taking family or medical leave, and they may not fire you due to your gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or nationality.
There are certain situations in which some employers are not bound by certain employment laws and certain employees do not have the same protections as others do. Also, employees typically must work for a certain number of days for a specific employer before obtaining the protections of all federal and state employment laws. If you think you may have a valid Texas employment law case, it is very important to find a competent employment law attorney to represent you as soon as possible. He or she can help you discover which rights you have, as an employee, and which responsibilities you were or were not owed by your employer.
Employment discrimination can take various forms, from retaliation for reporting unsafe work conditions or the reporting of a work injury. Other forms of discrimination can arise from race, gender or sexual harassment. Such claims have very strict deadlines for reporting and filing and it is important to act quickly to protect your rights. If you feel you have been the victim of such wrongful employment practices, call to discuss your potential legal claim.
If you believe that you have been discriminated against, retaliated against, underpaid, harassed, or wrongfully terminated, you are not alone and we are standing by to assist you. Contact Riojas Law Firm today for a free case evaluation and we will give you an honest assessment of the merits of your case. If any federal or state employment law has been violated by your employer, we will begin to fight for your rights immediately. Employment law is complicated and burdensome; don’t go at it alone. Call respected Texas employment law attorney, Robert Riojas today. It’s time that someone listened to your side of the story.